Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11/01 to 9/11/11

I have been watching all the shows about the 10th anniversary of 9/11. I am glad to see the memorials coming to shape around the country. I have a new hope to be able to go visit those sites.  I went to Ground Zero when I was in New York in 2008 but they have made so much progress on the memorial that it doesn't even look like the same place.  I keep remembering when I was there how enclosed the area was. I don't know if I got there the back way because I was lost or not but the streets seemed small and closed in. It was hard not to stand in that spot and picture that horrible giant cloud rushing through those streets and how that cloud indicated the loss of hope for saving so many. Now we have to find out hope in other things and that is what is so wonderful about being an American - the freedom to do so!

Here are my pics from that trip related to visit to Ground Zero.

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