Sunday, March 7, 2010

So many names with the same meaning...............

I have been watching The Buried Life on MTV.  It is a really great show about these 4 guys that are travelling around and marking things off their list of things to do before they die.  In the process, they also learn what someone else wants to do before they die and help make that person's dream come true.  I find it very impressive and heartwarming.  If you haven't seen it and want some more information on it, you can check it out at
I am hoping to make this blog into my "list" whatever name you want to call it (the buried life, the bucket list, etc.) then I want to whiddle away at the list and try to accomplish as many of my hopes and dreams as possible in my lifetime.  The funny thing is, I think as you work things off the list, you will always find ways to add more things to take those things places on the list. It will be a learning experience - such is life.

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